"THE life of Ken Sykora, jazz guitarist and broadcasting legend, is celebrated in Marc Mason's well-crafted documentary. Following Sykora from his success with Little Black Dog to his ownership of a hotel in Colintraive, Sykora's children and friends pay tribute to a dad, husband and colleague. There's a lot of love and talent to pack in here. The music is appropriately terrific."
Alison Rowat, Herald Scotland
"THE life of Ken Sykora, jazz guitarist and broadcasting legend, is celebrated in Marc Mason's well-crafted documentary. Following Sykora from his success with Little Black Dog to his ownership of a hotel in Colintraive, Sykora's children and friends pay tribute to a dad, husband and colleague. There's a lot of love and talent to pack in here. The music is appropriately terrific."
Alison Rowat, Herald Scotland
"Affectionate, affecting and altogether delightful"
Philip French, The Observer
Philip French, The Observer
"as the anecdotes and details of Sykora’s life accumulate, The Man with the Jazz Guitar becomes a demonstration of the way in which almost any life, examined with care, can yield a story worth telling and unearth the strange and surprising"
Sam Davies, Sight & Sound
Sam Davies, Sight & Sound
"Marc Mason pays tribute to a rare talent with this innovative documentary, which uses Sykora's radio voice and colourful animation to bring to life the man who entertained millions in his heyday"
Press Association
Press Association
"A gently melodic pleasure and a handsome tribute to an artist who was unfortunately swept away by the in-rushing tide of rock`n’roll."
David Parkinson, The Oxford Times
David Parkinson, The Oxford Times
"a soundtrack to die for"
"Marc Mason’s documentary about Fifties jazz musician-turned-BBC radio broadcaster Ken Sykora has a cumulative power. The film’s final section is as bleak as Scenes from a Marriage, full of awkward passions and rapturous disappointments."
Charlotte O’Sullivan, The London Evening Standard
Charlotte O’Sullivan, The London Evening Standard